Domestic Violence

1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime, and 750,000 child incidents of domestic abuse are reported in the UK every year. It’s their aim to provide free and confidential support to anyone experiencing domestic abuse.

Telephone: 0300 561 0077
As an independent charity, they work towards a world where people affected by crime or traumatic events get the support they need and the respect they deserve.  They help people feel safer and find the strength to move beyond crime.

Telephone: 08 08 16 89 111
Request support online.
Norwich Connect support people living in Norwich who have been affected by domestic abuse. They can work with individuals, couples or families regardless of gender, sexuality, age or disability.

Telephone: 01603 628122
Pandora Project offers advice, support and information to adults and children affected by domestic abuse. Abuse can be current or historic. They offer a confidential and non judgemental support service.

Advice Line: 07526 257857 