Cessation of Earwax Removal Service

Posted by: SARAH - Posted on:

The NHS has decided to cease ear wax removal as a GP service.

We are sorry if you are unhappy regarding the changes for the removal of ear wax. An NHS review concluded that practices should no longer provide ear wax removal services due to increasing clinical priorities and safety concerns. 

The production of ear wax is a natural process which helps keep the ear canal clean. In most cases, there is no clinical reason to remove ear wax and people should be able to self-care should they suffer from a build-up of ear wax, with ear drops which can be bought in a pharmacy or supermarket. Pharmacists are qualified health care professionals and can offer help and advice over the counter. The CCG has produced a leaflet around how patients can self-care.

  • For patients who can’t self-care, or where self-care has not worked and the patient remains symptomatic (e.g., hearing loss, earache, tinnitus, vertigo, cough suspected to be due to earwax) or where the patient has a hearing aid or needs one fitted, the CCG has commissioned aural micro-suction services in the community. Patients can be referred for treatment, subject to a clinical assessment. 
NHS Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) commissions a significant number of Locally Commissioned Services (LCS) from its 105 General Practices. These LCS include services often provided in general practice, which are not part of the General Medical Services contract.  

The CCG have undertaken a review of LCS to ensure that the services provided by practices are fair, equitable, sustainable and, most importantly, work towards achieving good health outcomes for the whole population of Norfolk & Waveney. The review also aimed to support the resilience and consistency of services provided by general practice. 

If you require anything further please do not hesitate to contact the CCG on 01603 595857 or nwccg.contactus@nhs.net