Meet your GP Surgery Team


Dr Clare Singh (Female)


Dr Carsten Dernedde (Male)


Dr Matthew Morley (Male)


Dr William Brookings (Male)


Dr Alexandra Smith (Female)


Dr David Tesh (Male)


Nursing Team

Advanced Nurse Practitioners are educated at Masters Level in clinical practice and have been assessed as competent in practice using their expert clinical knowledge and skills.

They have the freedom and authority to act, making autonomous decisions in the assessment, diagnosis, medicines prescribing and treatment of patients.

Our brilliant Practice Nurses, Health Care Assistants and Phlebotomist combine to provide essential clinical services such a taking blood, supporting long term conditions, conducting health checks, ECGs, treating wounds and changing dressings, immunisations, injections and much more.

Practice Team

Heather Leishman

Practice Manager

Paula Reid-Bennett


Sheila Curtis


Administration and Secretarial Team

Our medical secretaries work with our GPs, nurse practitioners to make efficient referrals and provide administrative support to patients.

Care Navigation Team

The care navigation team are well trained to signpost and guide patients to the correct doctor, nurse or other clinical specialist we have working in the practice. It is essential that patients work with the medical receptionist so they see the right person at the right time.

Dispensary Team

Clinical Pharmacists

Patients can be signposted to our Clinical Pharmacists for appointments that are two or three times longer than a doctor’s due to current GP workload intensity, e.g. 20–30 minutes, which they appreciate.

Pharmacy Technician

Our Pharmacy Technician is qualified for patient supporting roles to ensure effective medicines use, through shared decision-making conversations with patients. They can carry out medicine optimisation tasks including effective medicine administration, e.g. checking inhaler technique, supporting Pharmacist medication reviews and medicines reconciliation.

Pharmacy Support

We are also working in a more integrated way with our local pharmacies, which can provide convenient and timely health care for more minor symptoms.

Attached Staff

We work with the Norfolk and Suffolk (Mental Health) Foundation Trust (NSFT) to provide Mental Health support within the practice.

Mental Health Practitioner
Mental health practitioners support adults whose needs cannot be met by local talking therapies, but who may not need ongoing care from secondary mental health services.  
Mental Health & Wellbeing Coaches

Uses coaching skills to support people to make conscious and informed health choices, change behaviours and encourage proactive management and prevention of illness. 
MIND Enhanced Recovery Worker
Supports patients aged 14 and over, who need support with their mental health, who are ill, lonely or isolated, or
who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing. MIND recovery workers are not
counsellors, nor are they trained mental health professionals.
We have our own Social Prescriber who can identify unmet needs, especially for the frail and vulnerable, those at risk of hospital admission, loss of independence or those coming toward the end of their lives spending time getting to know patients and their carers, and referring patients to appropriate VCS (voluntary, community and social enterprise) services. 
Benefits to patients:
– People with Long Term Conditions and their carers benefit from access to additional, non-clinical support options via primary care.
– Patients experience positive outcomes associated with their health and wellbeing, and
– Patients can become less socially isolated and more independent.
The first contact physiotherapist (FCP) service allows patients contacting their GP surgeries with musculoskeletal pain to be seen quickly by a specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapist. They will be able to quickly assess, diagnose and provide information on appropriate individualised rehabilitation and management. 
Benefits to patients are:
– Quick access to expert physiotherapy assessment, diagnosis, treatment and advice.
– Prevention of short-term problems becoming long-term conditions.
– Improved patient experience.
– A shorter pathway, so patients have fewer appointments to attend.
– Opportunities to gain lifestyle/physical activity advice.

You can self refer yourself via the following link
Alternatively you can phone 01493 809977

Further Information